Of course i plan on going to grad school and continuing my education through consumer friendly community college classes, but this is the last time I'm going to be able to use being a student as an excuse to mess up. Lame.
How am i supposed to plan my outfits the night before if i don't know what i'll be doing the next day??
In any case, graduation is coming fast and bringing a lot of fun friends that like to party. This weekend i am going to Project Red Dress for the first time ever. YAY Kelly Baker! I am excited to see all the red dresses. I myself prefer to save red dresses for the one holiday they are acceptable; valentines day. I will instead be wearing a fancy red tank top paired with a high waist skirt and killer heels. Casual yet sexy.
One thing is for sure, graduation makes me feel old as dirt. I remember the good old days when i saw seniors fussing around SPU and thinking " wow, they're old and look a little crazy...". Now i feel myself getting those same looks. Do i need to start wearing a lot of beige cardigans? Or worse try to wear outfits the "relive my glory days?"
Only time will tell....
On a final note; Looks like Griffy and i are "retiring" around the same time. Good luck to you G dawg, you served Seattle well.

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