Let me just start by saying that I have been OBSESSED with Pugs my whole life. Everything from their scrunchy little faces, to their rolly polly little bodies to their laid back (OK, OK, lazy) demeanor. They had me at first snort. This December I decided it was time to start looking for a pug. I was on Craigslist, classifieds, etc day in and day out looking for the perfect little Nugget. At first, none of the breeders made the cut. Finally I found a breeder that just felt right. She let us come over at 9:30 PM on a Friday night. Trembling with anticipation I dragged Dan into my car and off to Lakewood we went. When we got there the breeder was warm and friendly. She explained that she did not let "just anyone" buy a pug from her but she had a good feeling about us. We sat down and saw the 2.5 week old pugs. They looked like hamsters. Immediately one of the pugs saw me, came up and sat on my lap. I was in love. If you are looking for a dog look for local breeders and look on classifieds. Make sure they are AKC certified. This is not a place you want to skimp.
Bringing Gus home was not easy. I was able to pick him up a few days before the New Year giving up enough time to bond before the next work week started. He was 2.5 pounds his first weigh in, had no shots and was not dewormed. I did some research about vets in my area and settled on Banefield Pet Hospital in the Bellevue Petsmart. At first I was very weary. I felt like I was sending my baby pug to the doctor in a pet version of Kmart. Let me tell you, so far that is not the case. The vets are friendly, the hours are great, the puppy plan includes unlimited visits to the vet, shots, deworming and neutering etc. The only downside is they are ALWAYS suggesting I buy something. Did someone tell them I was a shop-aholic? Remind yourself to really think whether or not your dog needs that $24 shampoo before making that purchase.
Training has been my biggest hurdle thus far. If you are a working adult I strongly recommend you crate train. It is not inhumane (unless you leave them in there a ridiculous amount of time) they like having a home of their own. Gus is smart and mastered the art of potty pads and crate very quickly. Overall pugs are low key so he likes to sit and watch Sex in the City with me every night, he likes sweaters and he loves to go shopping with me. Ladies, I dare you to find a boyfriend to do all that with you ;). Now we are diligently working towards outdoor potty training, leash walking, and basic commands.
There, now you know my story. Now let me see if I can provide some valuable advice for my fellow working adults.
*First of all, don't listen to all the negative people in your life. If you want a dog in your heart and you're somewhat responsible then you CAN do it. Just grab a pen and get ready to shuffle a few things around.
* Buy smart. As most of you know I like shopping in style and I LOVE bargains. Let me be transparent here; this is NOT the time for bargains. Do your homework when buying a dog. Make sure it's a credible breeder. Ask for paperwork, pictures, stories. Visit the dog. Make sure it not only looks good on paper but feels right in your heart. As always, adopting is an amazing way to go if you're not looking for a puppy. Let me be honest, if you work full time and don't live in a mansion buy a small dog. In general small-medium size dogs are easier to maintain/are known as lap dogs. While big dogs are bomb.com they require space, exercise and don't let you put sweaters on them ;)
*Have a plan. I asked my amazing cousin to come over everyday to feed Gus while I am at work. Also, my mom is a huge help! Don't have someone like that in your life? That's fine. Find a way to come home during lunch, hire a neighbor, or if you're loaded then hire a day care service. Look into training programs. You wont be sending him off to training right away, and honestly he wont be ready right away. I am waiting until he gets all his shots before taking him to any training class. It is important to start training but don't let it overwhelm you. Get a calendar, hang it up, and take note of everything you do with your dog.
*Find a legit vet. I recommend the Banefield program. For $100 down and $24 a month you get unlimited visits ( which will come in handy if you're cray cray like me), all shots/deworming, neutering, discounts on meds etc. Like I said, think about purchasing their recommendations, after all, ALL vets are salesmen on the side.
*Redecorate. One of the perks of living at home is that we had an extra room that we donated to Gus. The room contains his crate, tons of chew toys, a puppy bed, his potty pads and a bin of dog goodies.
*Shop smart. People will try to overwhelm you when you go shopping for the first time. Literally, all you need at first is: food, food/water trays (stainless steel-don't be a cheapo), chew toys, one kind of treat, wipes, a crate, potty pads, a brush, a blanket. Find your crate on craigslist. We use a wire one bc I like to see what Gus is doing at all times (yes, I am crazy). This should not cost you more then $100. You can do it.
*Have a good meal plan. Sure, it's easy to go to the store and buy the cheapest dog food there is. Trust me, that is NOT the way to go. Many people have different theories about the best feeding methods. Mine is what I feel most comfortable with it. Let me start by saying that most dog food has (no joke) roadkill, ash, and trash in their food. Do you want to eat that? If not then do not feed it to your little nugget. If so, you're weird. There are only a handful of dog foods I trust. Here is a list of a few of them: http://www.mudbay.us/About_Dogs/Dog_Foods_We_Carry.htm. Wellness is what Gus dines on. A lot of people think that dog food is the be all end of of feedings. I personally disagree. When Gus has diarrhea (which he does on occasion, get used to it) we make him chicken/beef and rice. His diarrhea clears up within a day or two and he LOVES to chow down on the food. Now we make him organic beef/chicken with rice/veggies and mix in his Wellness dog food. We also treat him to organic berries, and cheese.
*Have fun. Having a dog is supposed to be fun. Some people are so rigid when it comes to meals, training, etc that they forget to enjoy their little friend. Enjoy every minute of the snuggling, sniffing, licking, etc. In essence puppies need to eat three times a day, know where and when to pee/poop, learn to walk on a leash and learn to be friendly with people/other dogs. If you're crazy like me you'll want to take a million pictures of the little nugget. I am STRONGLY considering hiring a pet photographer to snap away pictures of Gus Gus, know of anyone?
Just because you are a working adult does not mean you can't have a dog. It just means that you need to rearrange your calendar. For me it means waking up a half hour earlier every morning to feed/snuggle with Gus, coming home (or arranging for someone to come over) after work/during lunch to check up on him, and spending Saturday/Sunday afternoons playing. Once you have a routine down you can still go out with friends, go on dates, "hit the club" and not loose your groove. Just remember, dogs need love. I hope this helped. I by no means am an expert. I just really love my nugget and am trying to do the best I can. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email me, I'll do my best to help. Ninasaponova@gmail.com.
Wag more, Bark Less.
ReplyDeleteVisit this site. If I know you like I think I do, then you will JUST DIE. Go out & buy Gus this fabulous costume for next Halloween & he will simply go pug-wild!
Much love from another Diva,
Pug Star
Thank you for reading and thank you for the link. Adorable, per usual!