As we all know, we are in the midst of the fall season. This is a great season for anyone and everyone who enjoys fashion in the slighest bit. 425 ( AKA my hometown of Bellevue, WA) just hosted an amazing fashion show depicting the years must have fashions. Most of the week i was too busy sleeping or facebooking to go but luckily i was able to find time in my "busy" schedule to sneak a peek at this extravaganza.
Here is what i learned about being "in" from the all-knowing Nordstrom fashion show (with a little back-up from Glamour):
*Neon Pink (I never got the memo that it was out)

*One shoulder dresses/tops

*Leather pants ( or for you environmentally friendly less fashionable folk, pleather pants)
*Ankle Booties ( if you want to look more B.A you can go with the chain booties version)
*The LBD gone edgy
*Accordion pleated tops
*Monotone look (I said look, not personality)
*Red and Pink

*And my personal favorite; SEQUINS! Wear them loud and proud ladies and gentlemen.
In other big news; on Saturday October 3rd 2009 i overcame my fear of going over 50 miles and hour while succumbing to the peer pressure of my friends and boyfriend and drove on the interstate highway from the 425 to the 206. Now i just need to find a 15.5 year old girl to share in my excitement.
Best blog i'v ever read.-Lofa